Resisting dehumanization, dignity conserving health care and art PART TWO “Dehumanizing beliefs are theoretical rather than perceptual beliefs. We get them from outside of ourselves—from propaganda and ideology, and from the testimony of those who are supposed to be authorities. … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….

What is trauma? “Trauma is perhaps the most avoided, ignored, belittled, denied, misunderstood, and untreated cause of human suffering.” Peter Levine  “Trauma can be seen to fundamentally impair integration within an individual, dyad, family, or community.” Pat Ogden “And maybe … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….

Resisting dehumanization PART ONE “Why should anyone care about dehumanization? Dehumanization fuels the worst brutalities that human beings perpetrate against one another. It’s not just a problem of the modern, industrialized world: it’s haunted humanity for millennia.”  David Livingstone Smith … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….