Tροποποιημένα βιβλία (altered books) και εικαστικά ημερολόγια

Scan451Scan450Attending and befriending our fear

I always enjoy reading Tara Brach’s articles or listening to her talks. Her talk at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5w4Mh28wn4, is about attending and befriending our fear, sympathetic nervous system responses, the physiology of fear, aggression, mindfulness, kindness, (self) compassion and more

Common humanity and compassion

Krisitn Neff on suffering, self-judgment, common humanity and connectedness, the science of self / compassion, our biological make up and our being wired for compassion, emotional resonance, mindfulness, self / kindness …

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0gtnOXAp… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11U0h0DP….


Diane Poole Heller’s short video on relating, connection, intimacy and love, memory, novelty, negativity bias and neural pathways, highly sensitive people and more at her website; https://dianepooleheller.com/valentines-day-video-deepening-intimacy

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