August 15th, 2017

An expansive blue

Back in 2005 – ’06 when I first decided to process trauma and try to understand the deeper reasons of recurring violations and injustices I initially began reading articles on the internet and buying my first trauma related books. It was mostly a trial and error procedure and the material varied in terms of usefulness, but what came up in most books was the need to heal spirituality or deal with spiritual traumas. It took me quite a while to fully grasp the significance of this. Today I firmly believe that deep release of trauma, fear, angst or awakening cannot occur without healing this aspect of experience, for in some sense it is one of the deepest and most debilitating wounds of all. This type of wounding keeps helplessness, hopelessness, a sense of aloneness and fear in place and it impacts our inherent sense of belonging. Soul wounding or spiritual abuse / conditioning is a powerful closed gate that prevents us from living wholeheartedly and moving beyond survival mode. It blurs our vision – we kind of go through life like a horse with blinkers – and prevents us from tapping into our own healing potential and protecting ourselves from toxicity. I have mentioned elsewhere that one powerful tool to disempower children is to deprive them of their sense of inherent worth and connectedness, not only with their immediate environment, but with the whole universe, and to dampen their natural curiosity. Severing their sense of interconnectedness with others and Source, whether that is called God or something else, and stamping out their curiosity, uniqueness and authenticity, creates a lot of room for fear and helplessness. Neither parents nor teachers or religious institutes have the right to interfere in ways that deprive children of their sense of belonging, worthiness and deserving a place in the world. This type of early conditioning or soul trauma contributes to our feeling boxed in, disconnected both from our authenticity and others, but also from all the knowledge and wisdom available in the world. We get locked in our fears, ignorance, prejudices, racist attitudes, superiority and inferiority traps; all mostly fear based and the result of conditioning and unhealthy learning. We further compromise our health and potential; view the world through distorted lens and we remain in our designated place or boxes. We experience reality through the chains of this early soul wounding as well as our emotional traumas and other experiences. So, processing trauma should ideally be a holistic experience, as expansive and multi-layered as our expansive being. Perhaps tackling the distorted lens and demolishing conditioning and learning early on could facilitate or accelerate overall healing and change.

You may like to read or listen to Niki Gratrix’s interview. It is packed with so much information: the link between trauma and chronic fatigue; how ACEs can increase the risk of early death and how trauma is inherited through generations; the silent ACEs; the impact of attachment trauma on health and the prevalence of compromised early attachment (50% of the population!); how our interaction with others impacts the development of our brain; the contradictory parenting advice out there; the link between narcissism and attachment trauma; how childhood biography can become adult biology; adaptations to trauma; how limbic kindling is affected by emotional trauma and how it reaks havoc on the body; first basic steps to healing trauma; the ACE questionnaire; self-awareness; reset rituals and self care; how early relational trauma impacts future relationships; the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people and ridding oneself of energy vampires; the inevitable changes that healing will bring; an integral approach to healing trauma and the importance of addressing biochemical issues, etc, at:

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