Easter time in Vienna and other places and synchronicities….

Toko-pa Turner writes ‘Having walked a great distance from our initial estrangement into the orphaned depths of exile, we have learned the difference between fitting in and belonging. We now know belonging is a dynamic process, requiring alternating periods of togetherness and aloneness to remain vital. We are making friends with the often terrifying Otherness within, learning to make allies of even our most loathsome guests. And we have begun to follow our longing, which reaches to us through our ancestral lines, right from the soul of the world. We are coming into the great secret that belonging is really a skill, a set of competencies at which we must practice if we are to rise to the call of an aching heart and a fractured world……… Like any practice worth undertaking, belonging cannot be mastered overnight. Because it is a disappearing art, we might find ourselves going it alone for a while. We may find ourselves disappointed with a lack of response when we try to reach out, and the temptation to lose hope will be strong. But we must keep a vision of how we want our lives and the world to look, and work towards weaving those first threads together. Even when the garment of belonging seems flimsy and inadequate we must keep to the task until it substantiates’ (2018, Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home, Her Own Room Press, Chapter 12).

I had always been sort of restless and staying in one place or house for too long would usually start to weigh upon me as if permancy were unsafe and as if past events and wounds and knowledge buried deep within me prevented me from growing roots. Part of my restlessness originated in childhood and part of it reflected discontent and non alignment with my truest longings and truths, and also, part of it was probably due to having moved around a bit, and finally, a lot of it had to do with repetitive unhealthy outer dynamics. My restlessness also reflected my intense curiosity and desire to travel and see new places. In Report to Greco, Nikos Kazantzakis, writes: Read more

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