Creativity, resistance and what it means to be human  (two short films)

‘To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting’ e e cummings

1) In July 2017 a G20 Summit was held in Hamburg in Germany, which provoked protests. The 1000 GESTALTEN was one initiative which combined art, politics and resistance.  The project involved 1000 volunteers from all over Europe who slowly walked through the city of Hamburg. They were covered in a clay substance, which gave them a uniform appearance. They moved like an army of alienated, disconnected and expressionless people who had no colour. They moved as if in a trance. Eventually, they broke free from this outer crust or shell and they saw again. Colour, expression and emotions all returned as they came alive and reconnected. You can watch at:

2) The short film 30,000 Days created by Tiffany Shlain briefly explores the 3,000 year history of humans wrestling with the question of how to live life with meaning and purpose. The film premiered on Character Day 2017, which had over 133,000 events in 150 countries. You can watch at:

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