A chakra meditation I have been engaging with recently and which has also influenced my drawing today….

Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and as you breathe out release the stress and tension in your muscles. With each breath pay attention to your muscles relaxing and the mind slowing down. Breathe into your first chakra or into your belly as deep down as you can, while imagining a red light of physical energy. This is your root or base chakra. Spend some time picturing a ball of red light glowing strongly at the base of your spine and reproductive region. This area has to do with survival, instincts and safety. Then you can explore what emotions, sensations and thoughts or images come up. Now move up just below your belly button, in your mind’s eye. You are now at your sacral chakra. Many important physical organs are located here, as with all our chakras. This area has to do with creativity and sexuality. Spend some time picturing a ball of orange energy and then observe what emotions, sensations, thoughts, memmories or images may come up. Move further up to your yellow chakra, the solar plexus chakra, a little above your belly button. This area stands for power, control and freedom to be yourself. Breathe into to this area while imagining a ball of yellow energy. Spend some time here observing what may come up or what may be blocking this area. Then move to your heart chakra, the green center for love, compassion and balance. Imagine a green ball of light washing over this area. Again you may explore what emotions, thoughts, images come up or what may be blocking this area. Now move up to the throat chakra. Imagine a light blue ball of energy clearing this area to allow free communication, speaking and self-expression. Then go to your third eye chakra, the indigo colored energy center located between your eyebrows. This is your vision center, the area of insight, imagination and intuition. Spend some time here exploring emotions, thoughts and other things that might be coming up. Now moving up from your third eye to the area just above the top of your head imagine a ball of violet light. This area has to do with spirituality connection, unity and knowledge. Spend some time paying attention to what may arise. Continue to breathe, allowing the air to move through your whole body. When you are ready open your eyes and come back to the now.

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