Art and freedom

Extracts from the Manifesto on Artists’ Rights by Tania Bruguera (from ‘Why Are We Artists?: 100 World Art Manifestos, Jessica Lack, 2017, Penguin Modern Classics)

  • Art is not a luxury. Art is a basic social need to which everyone has a right.
  • Art is a way to build thinking, of being aware of oneself and of the others at the same time. It is a methodology for the search of a here and now in constant transformation.
  • Art is an invitation to question; it is the social place of doubt, of wanting to understand and of wanting to change reality.
  • Art is not only a statement of the present, it is also a call for a better future. Therefore, it is a right not only to enjoy art, but to be able to create it.
  • Art is a common good that does not have to be understood in its totality.
  • Art is a space of vulnerability from which what is social is deconstructed to construct what is human…..
  • Artists have the right to disagree not only with affective, moral, philosophical, or cultural aspects, but also with economic and political ones.
  • Artists have the right to disagree with power, with the status quo.
  • Artists have the right to be respected and protected when they dissent……
  • Artists also have the right to be understood in the complexity of their disagreement. Artists should not be judged but discussed. And certainly artists should not be put in jail for proposing an “other” reality, for sharing their ideas, for wanting to strike up a conversation on the way the present unfolds. If the artist proposal is not understood, it should be discussed by all, not censored by a few………
  • Artists have the right to create the work they want to create, with no limits; they have the duty to be responsible without self-censure……
  • Artistic censorship not only affects artists but also the communities they inhabit. It creates fear and self-censorship in them. It paralyzes the possibility to exercise critical thinking………………
  • A society with freedom of artistic expression is a healthier society. It is a society where citizens are allowed to dream of a better world where they have a place. It is a society that expresses itself better, because it expresses itself in its entire complexity…………….

Where boundaries dissolve

“The music faded in the large hall, but Ermine’s heart filled with a happiness he longed to share. With a nod of her grey head, the mother eagle motioned to her son that it was time for Ermine to return home. As the young eagle, with Ermine on his back, dove off the mountainsiide into the icy mist, the old mother called out, When your people have learned to use the gift of song to break the silence, your brothers will be released. And then I will receive my gift in return”

(The Eagle’s Song: A Tale from the Pacific Northwest, adapted and illustrated by Kristina Rodanas)

Creativity, resistance and what it means to be human  (two short films)

‘To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting’ e e cummings

1) In July 2017 a G20 Summit was held in Hamburg in Germany, which provoked protests. The 1000 GESTALTEN was one initiative which combined art, politics and resistance.  The project involved 1000 volunteers from all over Europe who slowly walked through the city of Hamburg. They were covered in a clay substance, which gave them a uniform appearance. They moved like an army of alienated, disconnected and expressionless people who had no colour. They moved as if in a trance. Eventually, they broke free from this outer crust or shell and they saw again. Colour, expression and emotions all returned as they came alive and reconnected. You can watch at:

2) The short film 30,000 Days created by Tiffany Shlain briefly explores the 3,000 year history of humans wrestling with the question of how to live life with meaning and purpose. The film premiered on Character Day 2017, which had over 133,000 events in 150 countries. You can watch at: