
You might like to read or visit the sites below

1) ‘Your cultural context has a profound impact on your thinking, behaviour, beliefs, and ultimately your health and energy levels, as well. A culture is a way of life of a group of people, including the behaviours, beliefs, values and symbols they accept, generally, and without thinking about them and are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next’, Niki Gartrix

From the article How to deal with cultural energy vampires’ by Niki Gratrix at

I also, read some interesting articles on the link between ACEs, health and energy levels on the site above

2) Extract from Jeff Foster’s July post at:


“On the Tree of Life
there are two birds, fast friends.
One bird eats the fruit of the Tree;
the other bird, not eating,
– The Rig Veda

‘It is good to stay open to feedback from others, to listen to those who disagree with you. To remain open to alternative viewpoints. To try seeing things through someone else’s eyes, even if you don’t agree with their perspective or conclusion, in the end.

But when they cross a line and move from intelligent disagreement and constructive feedback to attack and insult, when they belittle and shame you and remain unwilling to meet, to engage and talk things through, that is something very different indeed………

A clear and direct ‘no’ to abuse, to name-calling and objectification, is not weakness but the ultimate courageous act of self-love. The ‘no’ honours life deeply. It has no venom in it – it is quite compassionate in its essence. It does not shame the other but informs them. It does not attack but protects. It is fire but it does not throw stones……

We can only speak our truth Now, hopefully in as compassionate a way as possible, and move on. And trust the process. And breathe through our feelings. And remain open to the other’s tender heart, whilst protecting our precious, vulnerable human selves…….’

‘Για να υπάρξει κάποτε επούλωση,
Πρέπει να θυμηθούμε
Και μετά να πενθήσουμε,
Για να μπορέσει να υπάρξει συγχώρεση
Θα πρέπει να υπάρξει η γνώση και η κατανόηση’

From ‘Famine’ by Sinead O’Connor

‘Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage’ by Lao Tzu

Last night, as we were passing by a small white washed chapel with light blue domes in our village, the typical architecture of these small Cycladic churches – dispersed like wild white lilies on hills and mountain cliffs all over these islands, on our way home we heard music coming from the small chuch yard, so we stopped.Read more ..

‘The words went round and round and round in my mind and my body, until I knew they were no longer my words but something that had been carved into my heart. And now my soul was crying’ from Strangeland by Tracey Emin

When you set out on the path of awakening, you begin wherever you are. Then — with time, effort, and skillful means — virtue, mindfulness, and wisdom gradually strengthen and you feel happier and more loving. Some traditions describe this process as an uncovering of the true nature that was always present; others frame it as a transformation of your mind and body. Of course, these two aspects of the path of awakening support each other’ from Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom by Rick Hanson

Finding the Courage to Hold Everything in Love

And then maybe some posts are simply the outcome of timing. This week I have been dusting and sorting out books to give to the local library to unclutter my book shelves and during the process I came across a box that contained many of my essays and exams from the Master’s psychology degree I did several years ago. So, I took a break and sat on the floor, opened the box and browsed through the material. Among the various essays and diverse topics I found an exam paper on suicide prevention. Read more