Some problems… have occured and data has been lost. I will be posting the material that has been lost since 11/07/2017 again soon.


Look What They’ve Done To My Song Ma by Melanie Safka at:               


‘And so, as the train crossed the plain, she thought that trees were not to be pitied. Because trees live through their roots and through their roots they fruit and are redeemed’ (Trees, 1995, Margarita Lyberakis)

Inspiration for these posts may come both from within and from the stimuli in my environment. They can be the result of both internal and external events or triggers – a thought, a memory, a fleeting feeling, an emotion, an image, a message, something I listen to or read, an experience – anything can lead to my jotting down a few words, which then develop into a longer stream of words. Read more