Storytelling: embracing, knowing and sharing your story

‘A shift happens when we connect to the idea that our grief is a function of our attachment or our love’ Patrick O’Malley

After reading yesterday’s post again I realised that I had not mentioned anything about toxic shame vs healthy shame and guilt. Shame being about who one is and guilt about feeling bad about something one has done or has said. Shame is toxic, whereas, guilt allows us to make amends, apologize and consider whether our acts are in alignment with our values. However, after I listened to a podcast by Sounds True of a conversation between Patrick O’Malley and Tami Simons on his book about grief: Getting Grief Right: Finding Your Story of Love in the Sorrow of Loss I changed my mind and started writing about loss and grief. Read more

Story is our way home (Η αφήγηση είναι ο δρόμος της επιστροφής)

Story is our way home (Brené Brown)

The shame box

Across time and contexts shaming and humiliation have been used to break people’s will, gain power over them, render them more obedient, silence them, define who they become and so on. Shame and fear are inextricably linked and are both deeply connected to trauma. However, shame does not only reside in people who have experienced big T traumas, it is a universal emotion or experience; everyone has it or has some. Everyone has been shamed or has been made to feel inadequate, and everyone is probably familiar with the debilitating thoughts and physical sensations that are part of the packet of shame. Διαβάστε περισσότερα