Today, I am posting a painting I have been working on this month and the lyrics from a song written, composed and sung by Alkinoos Ioannidis, whose lyrics and songs I have returned to recently (my translation may have interfered a bit with the rythm and rhyme of the original song)

The helmsman  or  The wheelman

Don’t say too much, don’t want too much, don’t do your own thing / have your own way

Don’t go too high, don’t want too much, stay in your lot

Stay in your dark void, in your grey city

Don’t have memory, don’t ask, do as everyone does

Sit comfortably and give me the steering wheel

Get married in magazines, mix with the screen

Through the ballot box slot give birth to your children

And quietly close your eyes and disappear from the world

I offer you Saturday to go out in the night of the other world

Sunday to get bored and tomorrow you’re mine again

If you want you can ask for a loan, housing, food and a car

Mine is the land that gives birth to you and the land that will bury you

If you stand against me, I may even publish your book

And I can make you a captain on a big ship

You may swim freely in the waters of your delusion

And once a year you may smash and wreak havoc

I am the fog in your mind and the fence in your heart

And in the cloth of your sleep I project your dreams

I am you and you are me and how can you beat me

Without me you can neither live nor die

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